The list of Complete Shortcut to Edit photo by Photoshop.

The list of Complete Shortcut to Edit photo by Photoshop.

Shortcut or in the language of indonesia can be interpreted as a shortcut is a combination of buttons on the keyboard to activate the device (Tools) or other features in the photoshop. By using a shortcut, of course you can save a lot of time because there is no need to access the menus by clicking or choose various options. Only by pressing a combination of a button then you will reach over or features that you want to use.

Therefore, in regards posting the time I'm not going to discuss the tutorial photoshop it will give you a list of a shortcut that you can use in the editing process using adobe photoshop. Here is a list of a shortcut in printing that you can use to accelerate the process of editing you.

The list of Complete Shortcut to Edit photo by Photoshop.

Need you to know that a shortcut that I'm giving here just for you to use the operating system Windows, munkin in article next time I'll give you a list of a shortcut printing for users of Mac.

The Shortcut

Charging Color Layer =Alt+Delete (foreground) or Ctrl+Delete (background).
join a layer (flatten)                                                        Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E
dublicate layer                                                               ctrl+j
Move the position of the layer to Top.                         Ctrl+Shift+]
Move Layer to Bottom                                                   Ctrl+Shift+[
Meng-invert The selection                                             Ctrl+Shift+I
Selecting all layer                                                           Ctrl+Alt+A
Choose a layer down                                                     Alt+Coma(,)
Choose layer up                                                             Alt+point (.)
sliding selection                                                             Spasi+Marquee Tool
Choosing a color from the picture                                Alt+Brush Tool
Enlarging The size of the Brush                                    ]
Minimize The size of the Brush                                     [
Raise and lower Hardness brush                                . }/{
Save the file to the web and device                         .    Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S
Setting the Level (dark light)                                         L
Free transfrom                                                               ctrl+T
Setting curves                                                                ctrl M
Setting Colour Balance                                                 ctrl B
Setting Hue/Saturation                                                  ctrl U
Doing Desaturate                                                          Ctrl+Shift+U
Auto Tone                                                                       Shift+Ctrl+L
Auto Contrast                                                                 Alt+Shift+Ctrl+L
Auto Color                                                                      Shift+Ctrl+B
Make Clipping Mask                                                     Ctrl+Alt+G
Change Blending Mode                                                Shift+plus(+) atau minus(-)
Set the black white                                                        Shift+Ctrl+Alt+B
Changing The size of the picture                                 Ctrl+Alt+i
Zoom in                                                                          Ctrl+plus(+)
Zoom out                                                                        Ctrl+minus(-)
font size to be small                                                      Ctrl+Shift+>/<
Make text on the left, center and right.                        Ctrl+Shift+L/C/R

That's a list of Complete Shortcut to Edit photo by Photoshop you can see " menghafal " so you can save time when editing using photoshop, hopefully useful.
Thank you for visiting, I am sorry if in the wording and an explanation, look forward to the tutorials selanjutnya....goodbeey.


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